Sunday, September 26, 2010

Zadie Smith to Harper's

Great news. Zadie Smith will join Harper's Magazine as the New Books columnist. Her first column will be published in March 2011. Read the press release for more details:

Saturday, September 25, 2010

James Baldwin: "The Cross of Redemption"

"The Cross of Redemption," the new anthology of the uncollected works of James Baldwin has been published just at the right time. In this era when inane talking point punditry passes for public discourse, Baldwin's eloquence and intelligence are necessary counterpoints. He was a brilliant thinker and impeccable writer whose insights continue to challenge readers to think critically and deeply about their beliefs and opinions.

"The Cross of Redemption" reviews:

A New Collection of James Baldwin's Writings

Sorrow Wears and Uses Us

The Uncollected James Baldwin